I am delighted to be participating in a showcase of Connecticut artists at Fairfield University as part of their
annual LGBTQ and Allies program of events. The show runs from Tuesday October 2 through Thursday October 4. There will be a reception on Oct.4 at 7 p.m. where you can meet me and the other artists - hope to see you there! See the Fairfield U link for directions. I will be showing these self-portraits that I did earlier this year in
Jane Davies' Exploring the Self-Portrait course. It seemed fitting for this event to show work that relates to personal identity. Here they are:
India ink using a pipe cleaner, 2012 |
Watercolor with white crayon resist, 2012 |
"Albert Nobbs", collage and acrylic on watercolor paper, 2012 |
"Lady Butterfly", collage and acrylic on watercolor paper, 2012 |
"Sprinkler", collage and acrylic on watercolor paper, 2012 |
A bit about how these pieces were created |