For the final week of Jane Davies' Unlocking the Secrets of Color class, we created collages to convey warmth, coolness and emotions.
It's Hot as Hades, 6x6
Warm Abstract Landscape
Stamped and acrylic-painted drawing and deli papers on watercolor paper |
Magic Mountain, 6x6
Cool Abstract Landscape
Stamped, acrylic-painted, spritz/blotted drawing papers.
and acrylic-painted deli papers on watercolor paper |
Cold Winter Night at Poulnabrone, 8x10
Construction paper, pencil
The Poulnabrone Dolmen is a neolithic portal tomb in
the Burren area of County Clare, Ireland.
This wasn't done in Jane's class;
it's a favorite from my personal archive, 2009 |
Sweet-Tart, 6x6
The background is a paste paper from my stash.
In the foreground: stamped and painted drawing
and deli papers on watercolor paper.
This one went all over the map.
My original intent was quiet joy. It wasn't being
so quiet, so with the addition of the blue-green-yellow
deli paper at center right between the two circles,
I was going for bittersweet. Well, I added the green
and red circles, and wound up with more of a
sensation that an emotion, but no matter, I like it. |