Watercolor collage Generated during a weekend workshop at Creative Arts Workshop in New Haven taught by artist Judy Atlas. http://www.creativeartsworkshop.org/
Watercolor collage, digitally cropped Generated during a weekend workshop at Creative Arts Workshop in New Haven taught by artist Judy Atlas. http://www.creativeartsworkshop.org/
Watercolor Last winter, I was browsing in a used bookstore and happened upon the book Watercolor: A New Beginning: A Holistic Approach to Painting by Ann Lindsay. I painted several of the exercises. This is the one I most enjoy.
Marker and colored pencil; partial tracing from Chartres labyrinth pattern.
"The labyrinth is an ancient pattern found in many cultures around the world...Labyrinths are currently being used world-wide as a way to quiet the mind, find balance,and encourage meditation, insight and celebration." (from the website of Grace Cathedral) http://www.gracecathedral.org/labyrinth/labyrinths_new.shtml
My alma mater, Boston College, built a labyrinth in 2003 as a memorial to the 22 BC alumni lost on 9/11:
Acrylic from tracing Inspired by a visit to Ireland. Symbol of life, birth, regeneration; variations found at ancient sites the world over, including Newgrange in Ireland. http://www.knowth.com/newgrange.htm
I make art for fun and self-expression. I work in monotypes/monoprints, collage and painting, most recently small works on paper. I find the serendipity of printmaking, the order-from-chaos nature of collage, and the free-form, unfettered nature of abstraction both challenging and satisfying. In addition, I occasionally explore the self-portrait. Once I got over the discomfort of looking closely at my own image, I came to enjoy the process, and find wonder in the range of characters that emerge.